

December 14, 2016


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过滤BGP信息常用的正则表达式,Regular Expression

December 2, 2016

20140209_104637我们在过滤BGP协议的信息内容,经常会使用AS-Path的正则表达式的过滤。短时间内要完全熟练正则表达式的确不太容易,我这里列出五个工作当中经常被使用到的正则表达式,方便大家快速上手,未来我们再深入讨论正则表达式的完整功能。 Read the rest of this entry »

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Ask the Experts: NetApp PowerShell Questions

November 10, 2016

A new article explaining the NetApp PowerShell toolkit is available on the NetApp Community site.


It covers where to find and download the toolkit, where to find documentation, and links to recordings of the PowerShell sessions at NetApp Insight.



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Free ‘How to Build NetApp ONTAP 9 Lab Guide’

October 27, 2016

NetApp ONTAP 9, the latest version of the operating system for the popular FAS storage platforms went General Availability this week. If you want to get a first look and hands on practice with the new OS then you can download a free ‘How to Build a NetApp ONTAP 9 Lab for Free‘ eBook from our instructor Neil Anderson.

The eBook walks you through setting up a fully networked NetApp lab featuring two NetApp clusters with Windows and Linux clients. Best of all you can deploy and run it all in software on your laptop for free. The guide explains where to find the software for free and has step by step instructions with screenshots about how to configure everything.

You can have the entire lab up and running in around an hour, and from there you can work on NetApp storage just as if you had your own physical system. Nearly all features are supported and you can work with both the System Manager GUI and the command line. This gives you great value if you want to test features out before running them in your production environment, or if you’re studying for the NetApp Certified Data Administrator NCDA or NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer NCIE exams.

You can download the eBook from Neil’s blog at http://www.flackbox.com/netapp-simulator/ where you can also find loads of NetApp tutorial videos with more being added weekly.

Neil also has a free Introduction to SAN and NAS Storage video course available where he provides an overview of Fibre Channel, iSCSI, FCoE, NFS and CIFS/SMB storage. It’s pitched directly at systems and network engineers who need to learn the core details of storage as quickly as possible.

The blog has mostly NetApp content right now but wider Cloud and Data Center technologies such as Cisco, FlexPod, AWS and IBM SoftLayer will be added in future.


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